10 quickies with Evan Jones

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«10 Quickies» is a series of short interviews here on scandinavianhammers.com. Each day until the new season kicks off we ask a new West Ham related personality or site the same 10 questions and present the answers for you here on our website. Today’s victim is Evan Jones!

SH: Time to promote yourself! Who are you?

EJ: My names Evan Jones! I make videos for «The West Ham Way» (Editor’s note; and West Ham United)

SH: Why do you support West Ham?

EJ: Well, like most of us it’s through my dad. Brought me up as a Hammer and through all the heartache I wouldn’t change it for the world. We are such a family club, it would feel strange to even think about supporting anyone else.

SH: Who is your all-time favourite Hammer?

EJ: Wow, that’s a tough one. As fan hero’s go I’ll always have a soft spot for Carlton Cole, he’s the man. But it has to be Di Canio for me, all round legend, one of the first real class players I ever saw play.

SH: What is the best West Ham game you have seen?

EJ: Well I was lucky enough to be at the last game at UP. Which for me is unbeatable. The comeback was incredible on a night we’ll never forget.

However you can’t quite beat the feeling of your first game, we beat Southampton 3-0 and that will stick with me forever. Maybe not because of the football, but the cries of «you fat ba*tard* to one of their fans had me in tears.

SH: Which team do you «hate» the most?

EJ: Eugh. Spurs. With a passion.

SH: Any pre-match rituals and how does a match day look for you?

EJ: At the London Stadium I’m lucky enough to do some presenting for the club. So before a game I speak to the fans and get some score predictions to go on the big screen. For me it’s a dream come true to be involved and I love it completely. After that it’s in for a few pints and a quiet prayer to the football gods.

SH: What are your thoughts on the London stadium and the move in general?

EJ: I think we’ve all had a year to accept it now. And from my point of view the London Stadium has been and will only get better. I imagine the season ahead will be phenomenal with our additions to the squad. And we can get that place rocking!

SH: 4th place in the league or FA Cup win?

EJ: I’d take the FA cup any day of the week. I’d love to see us win something like that in my lifetime.

Also how’d you reckon we’d get on against Barca if West Brom picked us apart last season? Haha.

SH: If you could sign 2 more players for West Ham, who would it be?

EJ: Oooo this is a tough one. Being realistic, I’d like someone like Oxlade, he’d be a massive coup for us.

Being unrealistic I’d love to see if Bilic could get his mate Modric to see his career out with us.

SH: Whats your predictions for the 17/18 season?

EJ: I’d be happy with 10th and above. We should be aiming for top 8. If we can keep players fit and play some nice football. Who knows, we could be sitting as high as 5th come the end of the season!


Thank you very much Evan, it’s been a pleasure! Keep up the good work.

Twitter: @EvanCoolJ  Website: The West Ham Way

Alexander Middleton

Born a hammer... halvt nordmann, halvt engelskmann med røtter fra Ilford. Vokst opp med sommerferie, påskeferie, juleferie og diverse hos besteforeldre i Ilford. West Ham kamp fast innslag på hver tur så lenge det var innafor sesong.. Come on you irons!

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